Memorias sin batallas -y otros muertos (1992)



Spanish dialogues with English subtitles

A young woman is in search of the heroes of the Spanish Civil War. Her grandfather, who was executed during the war, rises from his coffin to confront her.

22 min, 16mm, mono, b/w
director: Nathalie Alonso Casale
camera: Wiro Felix
editor: Michiel van Jaarsveld
art-direction: Carla Kazemier

with: Frater Rodriguez, Egbert de Jong, Nathalie Alonso Casale a.o.

European Film Schools Festival Munchen Best Student Film

Tel Aviv Student Film Festival Best Experimental Film

International Film Festival Rotterdam

Premiers Plans Festival de Cinéma d’Angers Best European short

Clermont Ferrand International Short Film Festival

Nederlands Film Festival Gouden Kalf & Tuschinski Award

© NFTVA 1992